International News

The Technology That Is 100 Times Faster Than Wi-Fi

by Juanita Nonwo – EM TV Online

Ever imagine a time when downloading a high definition movie would only take you a few seconds?

Well imagine no more, thanks to a newly introduced technology, scientists say we could be looking at something that’s 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.  

Introduced into the world by a company called Velmenni, Li-Fi technology is a technology similar to Wi-Fi, except it uses light to transfer information instead of radio waves reaching speeds of 1 Gbps (Gigabits per second) in real world use; and instead of a Wi-Fi modem, it uses a LED light bulb.

Li-Fi which is short for Light Fideality, can transmit data using LED lights, which flicker on and off within nanoseconds, unnoticeable to the human eye. In the lab it was able to reach a high speed of 224 Gbps. watch video here

A pictorial description of how the Li-Fi technology works.

Originally the concept of this technology was born sometime in the 1990’s and later re-developed in 2011 by Harald Haas.

Unlike Wi-Fi, signals which have no problem penetrating physical barriers such as walls, Li-Fi is based on light and therefore cannot, so its range is theoretically more limited. However, because of that limit, Li-Fi is also potentially more secure from external users from tapping into your network connections.

The concept of Li-Fi has opened up many other opportunities for smart home appliances – your home LED light bulb could serve two functions: lighting up your home, and creating a wireless hotspot delivering connectivity at speeds that can only be dreamed of with Wi-Fi enabling your house devices to communicate with each other.

So if light bulbs are all you need to, imagine the unlimited access you can have under every lamp post on your street!  

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