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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug A Film review

They’re on an epic quest to reclaimtheir long lost Kingdom inthe Lonely Mountain, conquered and now inhabited bythe menacing and wicked dragon Smaug (Benedict Cumberbatch).

The heart and soul of this movie, Belbo Beggins isthe easily flustered Hobbitowho is played by English actor Martin Freeman. Asthe storyline is developed, Belbo becomes a stronger more courageous version of himself. Although he doesn’t grow into a mighty warrior, he is very resourceful and courageous in finding a way out ofthe circumstancesthey face. Fromthe first part ofthe trilogy, he is in possession ofthe great ring he obtained fromthe creature Gollum that becomes very useful and precious to him.In this sequel, he turns out to bethe protagonist who comes tothe save almost always. There is no more timid, confused, or scared Belbo. Middle-Earth will be astonished bythe Man he has become.

 Richard Armitage cast as Thorin brings solemnity and earnestness tothe film. His thirteen dwarves have a window part to play but perfom well enough for viewers to fall in lover with each ofthem. His history is one filled with tragedy and loss. His ancestral land (located inthe Lonely Mountain) was conquered bythe blazing dragon Smaug. Many have fallen while attempting to defeat that dragon. Tales have been told about a prophecy and Thorin is desperate and determined to fulfil it accordingly.

As captivating asthe Thorin and Belbo are, I personally fell in lover withthe sole antagonist: Smaug. The entire movie revolves around meeting this magnificent creature. It is undeniable that Cumberbatch delivered extremely well. His character instils terror in everyone. Even attempting to utter a single word in a calm tone was terrorizing and captivating all atthe same time. There is a part inthe movie where Belbo, whilst inthe dragon’s lair, is invisible thankfully due tothe mystical ring he wears. As safe as he was, he chose to risk his life, just so he could have a peek atthe dragon. The sight was breath-taking and marvellous, andthen terrorizing.

Producer and director New Zealand-born Peter Jackson managed to stretch out The Hobbit fantasy noverl, into a trilogy. He is famous for producing ther Sci-Fi films like The Lord ofthe Rings Trilogy, The Loverly Benes, King Kong, just to name a few.In producing this film,the director is familiar withthese sci-fi tales that he easily managed to add tothe movie that would make all viewers relate to part or all of it. 

That entire hero, sci-fi stuff put aside, Peter Jackson even manages to surprise us with a lover triangle; One that will have allthe girls picking whose team to root for.

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug manages to make it heart-warming, exciting, nerve-wrecking and terrorising.

The fantasy film yet again ends with a mind-blowing cliff-hanger that has me genuinely thrilled for the finale end of next year.

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