Wives of soldiers at Taurama PNG Defence Force Barracks in NCD were the first to establish a formal women’s association in an army barracks in PNG.
The Taurama Barracks Women’s Association launched their constitution over the weekend, outlining laws and regulations governing the association.
This army wives association has received the full support of Taurama Barracks Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel, Stanley Benny.
With the motto ‘Wok Bung Wantaim’, the wives of soldiers at Taurama Barracks have taken up this initiative to invest in various social, religious and sporting activities.
Taurama Barracks Commanding officer, Stanley Benny, who was present to receive the association’s constitution, said the mothers in Taurama have created history by organising themselves to work as a group.
Mr Benny said his administration is in full support of the women and will make sure the organisation becomes part of the administrative directives.
The Association’s President, Margaret Bare, appealed to other wives of soldiers in Taurama to join the association. She said their main objective is to empower army wives to take part in various organized activities they plan to carry out.