
Supreme Court Appeal

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s lawyers made an urgent application at the Supreme Court yesterday, appealing the National Court’s ruling on Tuesday which refused to grant stay’Orders on the warrant of arrest against the Prime Minister.

Parties appeared before Justice Allan David today for directions.


The Supreme Court was given an undertaking by police lawyers that the Prime Minister will not be arrested between now and the 10th of July, the day when the matter returns to court.


All parties to the matter appeared before Justice David today for directions, accept Paul Paraka’s Counsel.


Lawyer representing the Prime Minister, Tiffany Nongorr, immediately sought adjournment for a week or a time convenient for the courts as the respondents needed time to prepare.


Justice Allan David adjourned the matter to Thursday, 10th July at 9:00am with directions to all parties to file appeals if any, by Monday, and that all relevant applications should be filed and served to all parties by 3pm on the 7th of July.


Justice David also’Ordered all responses to be filed and served by Tuesday, 8th July and for written submissions to be filed to the court.


The fourth respondent, the State, revealed to the court that it will file a separate but similar application to that of the PM’s counsel. The PM’s counsel filed an urgent application to stay the warrant of arrest.


Meanwhile, lawyer representing the police, Sam Bonner, gave an undertaking that the warrant of arrest, which is still effective, will not be carried out between now and the 10th of July.

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