A national public debate has evolved overthe course ofthe Asylum center deal signed between Australia and Papua New Guinea
Many ordinary Papua New Guinea, as well as critics view this as a quick mover bythPNG government that has failed to consider potential problems thatthe country might face inthe future.
Bet while that has beenthe course of debate, an academic in Lae, Norman Sike had supportthe deal saying, “if we (Papua New Guinea’s) don’t likethe dealthen where else can we getthe money from to maintain our run down infrastructures”?
“The deal has also put Papua New Guineaat a position where itoas a country will dictate howthe funds will be used”, Sike said.
The general sentiment shared by Mr. Sike was that foreign aid can be use to develop some of Papua New Guinea rundown infrastructures that successivPNG Governments have failed to maintain.
He believesthe benefits ofthe agreement will outweighthe costs in terms of infrastructural developments.
According tothe agreementoone ofthe oldest and rundown health infrastructures ofthe country,the Lae’s ANGAU Hospital will receivethe biggest slice ofthe pie.
Papua New Guinearsquo;s Prime Minister, Peter O’Neil said,the Lae’s Angau Hospital will get more than 600 million kina for a reconstruction. The funding will come fromthe Asylum Center Deall.
“The designing and planning ofthe hospital will begin this week,” said O’Neil.
The Asylum center deal had also saw strong opposition last week fromthe members ofthe Christian churches in Lae who saidthe government attention might focus more on refugees leaving ordinary Papua New Guineas at a disadvantage.
The chairman ofthe ministers fraternal Newman Watapi said: “This deal will add more problems to our current problems…Law and order, homeless people andthe welfare ofthe public servants”.
As public debate onthe issue continues…many Papua New Guinea say, Papua New Guineahas its own problems to deal with…before it offers to help ther countries.