Lae Police have called for withnesses tothe shooting of Lae studentoTobias Hombi, during a school fight to come forward with statements.
This follows a post mortem last week that revealed that Tobias dlied of a gunshot wound tothe neck.
Lae’s head of police operations, Fred Kaiwa, says an investigation has already begun to establish who firedthe shot.
“I’ve instructedthe Director ofthe CID to collect statements fromthe students’and anyone else who can help withthe investigation,” Kaiwa said. “We couldn’t do that earlier because classest both schools were suspended.”
Tobias Hombi was one of two students’shot during a clash between Begandi and Lae Seconday Schools.
The Schools involved inthe fight remained closed for over two weeks as parents, teachers and education authorities worked to resolve the issue.
The ongoing school fights in Lae City have also been brought tothe attention of Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill bythe Lae MP and Community Development Minister, Loujaya Toni.
Minister Toni has also commissioned a study into the nature and organization of groups behindthe fights. That report is expected to be tabled in parliament atthe next sitting.