The government is taking steps to addressthe massive formal sector unemployment crisis inthe country.
Legislation reforms and investment intothe Small & Medium Enterprise or SME Sector arethe steps it will take to addressthe issue.
The business sector and all stakeholders including members of Parliament will be consulted atthe 3-day SME Summit in Madang next month.
An estimated 2 million productive employees remain unemployed in Papua New Guinearsquo;s formal economy. Minister for Trade, Commerce &Industry Richard Maru’saidthe aim ofthe SME Summit is to bring attention ofthe governmentthe need to invest and provide legal and policy support to growthPNG SME Sector. This he said will not only create wealth for citizens, but also grow employment and create a futher 2 million jobs.
Dr. Eric Kwaw fromthe Constitutional Law Reform Commission has accepted to bethe legal advisor tothe Summit and will be responsible for draftingthe
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