We feature two reports:
Mining andthe EnvironmentPNG LNG UpdatesAlso in this episode:Two interviews with Mr. Peter Graham, Managing Director of Esso Highland and Minister for Treasury, Mr. Don Polye.The successes achieved viathe Enterprise Centre in Capacity BeildingContents ofthe National Content PlanBeight Futures ProgrammePNG Businesses level of competitivenessLegacy oPNG LNG projectTrade deficit of 1.2 billion kina review from Resources sector has dropped due tothe downturn.Government’s view on tax holiday and wetherthere will be tax holidays inthe futureSovereign Wealth FundInstitutional FrameworkHon. Don Polye addressesthe criticism that due to high deficits bythe timethe LNG funds come inthey will go towards paying off debt instead of going tothe sovereign wealth fund.Resource News and Analysis with Martyn Namorong