
New Betel Nut Market in Port Moresby

By Vasinatta Yama, EM TV – Port Moresby

Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, has announced to the citizens of Port Moresby, that four areas of the city will be allocated to cater for betel nut vendors.

One of them is near the refurbished Koki market, where a betel nut market will be built.

After 15 months of imposing the ban on the sale of betel nut or buai in the city, soon people will sell the much sought after nut, without fear or favour.

Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill today announced the areas where betel nut markets will be built: Gordons, Gerehu, Hohola and Koki.

Since the ban was imposed, it has received split responses from the public.

People continue to smuggle betel nut into Port Moresby.

There were also cases were betel nut ban enforcers misused their powers by attacking smugglers, and receiving bribes.

However, it all comes back to the betel nut chewers.

Since Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea, NCD Governor Powes Parkop wants to see it clean enough to be considered a major tourist attraction.

Mr O’Neill also appealed to the people to change their attitude and stop throwing rubbish in public places.

This will contribute to the cleanliness and health of the city and the people, and also prepare for the upcoming events that Papua New Guinea will host.

Meanwhile, the Koki market will be extended for the betel nut market to be built at a cost of K2.5 million.

Specific areas are declared for selling and chewing betel nut.

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