Emergency Featured News Papua New Guinea

Polio Update: Media an active Player in Information Dissemination and Awareness

By Patricia Keamo – EMTV Cadet Journalist – Port Moresby

The media has been playing an active role in disseminating information and awareness to the public on polio since the outbreak in April last year. Yesterday (14 February), a media orientation program was conducted by partners of the National Department of Health, WHO and UNICEF.

The main idea of this program is to make sure that the media is well informed about polio and the routine immunisation so that they can relay it to the public. UNICEF communication officer, Mercy Kolok, stressed on the role that media plays in informing and educating the public on polio and the importance of getting children vaccinated.

The UNICEF communication officer stated that media helps to inform communities on protecting their children from contracting polio, as well as advocacy on what to do if a child shows symptoms of polio. Mercy also added that people around the country need to know that there is a polio outbreak in the country and that it is a disease that can paralyse a victim or cause death eventually.

The public is urged to adhere that polio has no known cure and the only prevention is for children to be vaccinated.

An officer of the Expanded Response Program, Dr Mathias Bauri, said parents should take their children to health centres and hospitals to be vaccinated whenever there is a routine immunisation program.

The media orientation ended with a discussion between the health officers and media personnel sharing challenges faced during the fight against polio as well as ways to improve the routine immunisation.

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