
PNGDF Disaster Workshop

By Eric Haurupma – EM TV News, Port Moresby

24 military personnel from the Indo-Asia Pacific region are undertaking a week-long Multinational Interprobability Communication Workshop hosted by the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) in Port Moresby.

The main focus of the training looks at disaster risk management, and is being conducted by a team of military experts from the United States Army.

This is all part of preparations toward the Pacific Endeavour Military Exercise, which is scheduled to take place in Australia this September.

Of the 24 military personnel from the Indo-Asia Pacific region, only 18 have arrived as yet. The rest are said to arrive later this week.

PNGDF Commander Brigadier General, Gilbert Toropo, welcomed the participants.

US Pacific Command Commander, Paul Salveski, who is also the workshop director, is leading the training.

“This workshop is the pre-planning part leading up to the biggest Pacific Endeavor military exercise scheduled in Australia in September,” Brigadier General Toropo said.

Participants were educated through presentations on how to respond to disasters, and help manage disaster impact in the Indo-Asia Pacific Region

The next phase of the workshop will be held in Hawaii, followed by another in Mongolia.

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