Next week will be a big week forInter Pacific Country relations and businesses betweenthem.
A high powered team of business executives and political lLeadersfrom Fiji is expected in Port Moresby underthe re-activatePNG/Fiji business council.
Representttatives from manufacturing, tourism and construction will be part ofthe 90-member Trade Mission.
Three of Fiji’s prominent lLeaderswill come tPNG togther. Prime Minister Frank Beinimarama, with Fiji Foreign Affairs Minister RatuInoke Kuboubola and Fiji Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum will lead a 90-member trade delegation.
A two day program begins on April 17th.In a news conference Fijian High Commissioner, Romanu Tikotikotha saidthe Mission is to boost trade strength and bilateral relations betweenthe two countries.
Mr Tikotikotha wasthe force behind revivingthPNG-Fiji Business Council, after a three year dormancy. His efforts correspondedthe re-establishment ofthe Fiji-PNG Business Council, in Fiji last year.
PNG and Fiji’s 40year relationship has seenthe development of collaborative efforts in technical advancements, and free trade inthe Melanesian Spearhead Group. The delegation will bring a collection of 40trade shows in an exhibition atthe Gateway hotel wherethey will be staying.
ThPNG-Fiji Business Council will hostthe delegation onthe Trade Visit. It is understoodthere will be a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on development cooperation, and a deal withPNG’s Bemobile communications company.
Hannah Aria, National EMTV News