
PNG Population Growth Rate High

by Vasinatta Yama – EM TV, Port Moresby

Despite the fact that PNG conducted a national census in 2011, there is still uncertainty with the rate at which our population is growing.

The precise rate at which our population is growing is in doubt and the average population growth of PNG remains very high.

This came after results from the 2011 national census were collected. The Population Policy, launched recently by the National Planning and Monitoring Department, looks at its implications on responsible sustainable development. The latest census shows very high intersection growth rates from the 2000 census at national, regional, and provincial levels.

In the Highlands region especially, their fertility, mortality and net migration rates cannot be explained. This has led to problems with the formulation of population projections and the forecasting of future requirements with regards to service delivery.

Since the first census was collected in 1966, the average rate of population growth in PNG has remained very high – at two per cent per year. The vast decline in early childhood mortality during 1970s did not continue after 1980.

The transition happened because basic health services were available. However, a large proportion of women and children in rural areas still do not have access to basic services, such as a community health post. The National Population Policy 2015-2024 supports the efforts of the Health Department in establishing community health posts with full-time employees.

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