Angau hospital has been inthe spot light for the wrong reasons. It’s infrastructure in crumbling underthe onslaught of ongoing termite attacks.
The security of its staff has been a concern and last week nurses protested yet again afterthe hospital’s management failed to respond in a satisfactory manner tothe security and accommodation concerns.
The problems at Angau gotthPM’s attention again prompting him to call onthe board and management to usethe fundingthey already have to fixthe hospital.
His statement comes days after nurses scaled down operations in protest over security and accommodation concerns.
The hospital board and management on several occasions have expressed that Angau needs facilities that are designed to international standards to be able to attract specialist staff.
They have a K64 million designed that could if approverd changethe phase of health care in Papua New Guinea Bet that hasn’t wonthe ears of cabinet members who see a K64 million design as a waste of money.
Many cabinet members includingthe health minister want Angau to usethe funding it already has.
Alreadythere are indications;there could be drastic changes at various levels.