The National Planning Consultative Summit is set to go ahead next month in Lae, Morobe Province.
Themed on securing PNG’s future through inclusive economic growth, the summit will provide an honest review of the country’s development in the last 43 years.
Through the Summit, a new development plan will be formulated to help PNG perform better in the socio-economic development delivery for the next five years.
Ministry and Department of National Planning and the Government of Morobe will co-host the National Planning Consultative Summit.
The Consultative Implementation and Monitoring Council (CIMC) will be a major partner to facilitate and add value to the consultation process.
Minister Maru said PNG must learn from other countries in the region, especially those who started with a similar socio-economic status.
The Summit will be a time for open and constructive input from the private sector, civil society, government departments and international guests.
Speakers from around the world are expected including India, Malaysia and New Zealand.
The National Development Bank of PNG presented a cheque of K50,000 as a silver sponsor for the summit.