
PDL-7 LO’s concerned over Hides Relocation

SomeLandowners ofthe Hides Project site referred asthe PDL-7 have raised concerns over relocation program. They claim an LNG Agreement on this has been breached.

They claimed thatthey have not been relocated and continue to live intheir villages next tothe project site.

The promised fresh water supply is also yet to become a reality. Along with this isthe issue of outstanding payments.

However, Exxon Mobil says Mr Kaloma is from an area where those who are eligible for resettlement have been moverd.  ThPNG LNG Project has an overall goal to minimize or avoid resettlementobut where unavoidable, people have been resettled in a manner that at least restores or improverstheir livelihood. This is in line with Exxon Mobil’s core values, local laws and international best practices. 

The Resettlement includes both physical and economic displacement. Physical displacement involves loss of shelter and assets. It requiresthe affected person to mover to anther location. The Economic displacement involvesthe loss of income where projects are constructed.

The government is kept abreast ofthe program and Exxon Mobil reports on resettlement quarterly.  Meanwhile, Minister for Petroleum and Energy William Duma is aware ofthe situation but was not able to comment.

Beidgette Komatep, National EMTV News

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