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Parliament Addresses LLG Election Concerns

By Adelaide Kari – EMTV News, Port Moresby

Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, has changed his statement in regards to the election of Council presidents.

The Prime Minister was responding to a question raised by member for Namatani, Walter Schnaubelt, on how the council presidents will be elected and what law provides for the elections.

This issue has been raised numerous times in Parliament since the 2017 National General Election. Today the PM made his final statement on the issue.

Last week the issue was raised by West New Britain, Governor Sasindran Muthuvel. It’s not the first time the issue has been raised, but this time the Member for Namatanai asked the Prime Minister whether the Provincial Government will follow the orders of the Minister for Inter-Government relations, or the Prime Minister’s directives.

The Prime Minister stating he had received clarification from the attorney general, and the election of council president will be decided by Ward Councillors.

The issue of writs for the LLG election is set for April, and will be conducted by the Electoral Commission.


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