In this episode:
An hour’s drive from Popondetta Town brings visitors and locals alike to Harange, a village on one of Northern Province’s largest river, the Kumusi River.
The cyclone Guba disaster in 2007, forced the people of Harange village to move further inland where they are currently located.
The local economy in the province thrives on palm oil. But in Harange cocoa is the major commodity.
The struggles faced by the people here are similar to most rural areas in Papua New Guinea. They have not had an aid post in the past few years. Men, women, and children risk their lives just to seek medical care. Education is also another challenging area. Many teachers have left due to the geographical setting of the village.
International Organization for Migration (IOM) is playing an important role in helping the community rise from the rubles of cyclone guba.
IOM has rolled out community based disaster risk management programs in communities in the Northern Province. Harange and Pongani village were fortunate to be recipients of the program.
We also highlight illegal fishing in Manus and the impacts of Climate change in the Manus Province.
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