Business News

Nambawan Super CEO: Start Promoting a Savings Culture

By Meriba Tulo – EMTV News, Buin, ARoB

A portion of outstanding employer contributions owed by Government to Nambawan Super have been paid in recent months, which is welcome news for retired public servants.

Nambawan Super CEO, Paul Sayer, made this known when speaking to EMTV News recently.

Mr. Sayer was in Buin to address the National Finance Managers conference, and also spoke on the importance of building a savings culture.

The CEO of Nambawan Super was in Buin for the National Finance Manager’s Conference, and addressed participants – he encouraged them to start promoting a savings culture for their staff at the Provincial and District Level.

This, he said, was crucial to ensuring that their savings reaped more benefit from Namabawan Super’s range of investments across many industries.

Sayer also encouraged used the opportunity to promote the voluntary contributions from employers.

With the National Government the largest employer contributor to the Super Fund, their efforts in paying outstanding employer contributions was noted – with the Fund now in receipt of payments to May this year.

With Buin in South Bougainville increasingly becoming the economic hub of the Autonomous Region, Namabawan Super believes there is potential to grow its business here, and get more people into the Savings culture, which will benefit them in the long run.

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