News News Bulletin Southern

Minister Gets Tough on Fake Visas

The government continues to lose revenue as the issue of fake visas cripple the effort of PNG’s Immigration and Citizenship Authority.

An ongoing investigation indicates that 176 fake visas have been issued without authorization from Immigrations and this has resulted in over a million kina in revenue loss to the State.

Following the recent calls of fake visas by the Immigrations Minister Westly Nukundj, a media conference held yesterday shed light on the controversial subject of fake visas being issued without proper authorization by PNG Immigration & Citizenship Authority.

With this seen as a threat to the PNG’s national security, an internal investigation, sanctioned by the Minister has recently gained momentum and has seen many immigration officers being implicated and a few arrested.

Expressing disappointment that he had to cancel and recall operations earlier in the week, minister Nukundj said Immigrations will not tolerate any ad hoc operations that will divert attention and dilute the intent of the current investigations as this will interfere with potential suspects and jeopardise the investigations.

While calling on all foreign investors in the country to respect PNG’s immigration laws and processes, he made references to concerns flagged on social media about the mistreatment of citizens which resulted in the arrest of a Chinese woman by PNG ICA’s special investigative team headed by John Bria.

While implementing the directives and in the process of inspection, the special investigative team apprehended the Chinese supervisor who was found to be in breach of her visa conditions; violating visa rules and regulations.

Arrested, charged and locked up at the Boroko police cells, further investigations will continue on all other serious allegations and mistreatment of PNG workers.

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