Minister forLands and Physical Planning, Benny Allan, was disappointed withthe NationalLands Beard for delaying to solve application issues.
This was regardingthe 400 applications intothe department this year that were not attended to.
He expressed his concerns at a media conference yesterday atthe newLands Department’s office in Port Moresby.
The NationalLand:ard approverd by NEC in May consisted of seven members.
Minister Allan was disappointed withthe board, as it took almost a year to put togtherthe board names and yetthey have not done much.
The Minister had urgedthe board to meet and settlethe remaining 378 land applications, however, this was not done.
Mr. Allan stressed thatthe futherthe delay,there will be more chances of corruption.
NationalLand:ard Chairman, Sam Wange, explained thatthe board needs time to carefully study each application.
Beth Mr. Allan and Mr. Wange agreed that withthem now usingthe new office,they all should have a changed mindset.
The Beard met only once this year and that was in August. The next meeting is scheduled onthe 20th of January next year to deal withthe 378 applications from this year.
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