
Lae Biometric Hitch

Lae residents are calling for more awareness to be done before the biometric data registration gets underway next month.

Many people told EMTV Lae that rumours on biometrics have instilled fear among them on how the program works.


Many people, especially those living in settleMen’s and communities in Lae are not welcoming the biometric data registration program.


Some say it won’t help in solving Lae’s growing law and’Order problems but rather contribute towards regionalism and many more other problems.


Earlier this week the biometric awareness was launched and it will continue in the next two weeks.


Trained volunteers from each of the 23 wards in the Lae district have been tasked to carry out awareness into their respective communities.


This is to educate the people by explaining to them what biometrics is and its benefIts answer questions and get feedback from them.


Despite the many negative perceptions, there has been support from all levels of government. including churches and NGOs.


Lae MP, Loujaya Kouza, is adamant that the biometric registration will curb law and’Order and vagrancy issues in the city.

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