
Kurumbukari Landowners Angered

The Madang Provincial Government’s assurance of addressing issues and benefits concerning the Ramu NiCo Project has been questioned by the Tigina tribe in the Kurumbukari (KBK) area.

Chairman of Tigina landowners Peter Bagme raised concerns of misleading roles played by political leaders and the provincial administration.


He says legitimate landowners are disturbed with the way leaders are handling this case. 


Mr Bagme comments come after Madang Governor, Jim Kas, and Usino Bundi member, Anton Yagama, visited Enekuwai village outside KBK Mine to address a petition by landowner groups.


Governor Kas reiterated his commitment to disallow landowners to continue to suffer under the current MoA terms. However Mr Bagme says, Mr Kas and Mr Yagama are using media publications as a smoke screen to divert attention.


Chairman Bagme stated that the 2 leaders have not directly solved landowner issues at hand, but are eyeing benefits and other payments.


The Tigina people want land issues to be addressed immediately.


Meanwhile the unsolved land issues are now before the Madang Land Court for review on the commissioning of land to several landowner groups.


The Tigina landowners alleged that the land commissioner grossly abused customary land declaration processes. The criteria applied in issuing land titles is under scrutiny.

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