News Politics

Kramer; O’Neill Arrest Warrant Isn’t Political

Following the announcement by the Commissioner for Police regarding the former Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill’s court issued warrant of arrest based on allegations of official corruption; the Police Minister Bryan Kramer not revealing much detail in a media conference, saying that is a matter for the courts to determine.

Remaining adamant but still having not revealed much with regards to the merits of the case, the Police Minister stated confidently with the understanding that the Court will only grant a warrant of arrest provided the sufficient and credible evidences available.

“It’s clear that warrants of arrest are issued by the court of law after considering evidence to justify them or grant a reasonable cause that issue warrants.

Further responding to allegations and claims made by O’Neill yesterday about his warrant of arrest being politically motivated.

“The court does not issue warrant of arrests on politically motivated arrests. The court issued that warrant and they are directing the police commissioner to arrest the accused; in this case, former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and bring him to answer to the charges.” Kramer stated.

Furthermore, in a letter from the Twivey Lawyers defending Mr O’Neill’s case delivered to the office of the Director of National Fraud & Anti- Corruption Directorate; requested for further information of what constituted the warrant of arrest for O’Neill; bidding also for a copy of the Warrant of arrest be made available so they can be made aware of the reasons for the warrant issued.

“we also advise that our client is the former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and there has been much baseless accusations made by both politicians and the public that we are very much concerned as to the veracity of this complaint and whether these actions are being taken to tarnish and destroy the name and reputation of our let alone the international damage it will cause to our country.”

The letter stated further that O’Neill is willing to corporate with police once the facts of the requests are provided.

A similar notion was raised in parliament today, with O’Neill directing his questions to Prime Minister James Marape but was bombarded by the Police Ministers numerous points of orders.

Member for Ialibu- Pangia and former Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, was bombarded on the floor of Parliament.

Meanwhile, four close protection officers to O’Neill were suspended as of yesterday and were issued written suspension notices today.

Commissioner for Police, David Manning said they are trained as members of the RPNGC and not as political staff. This was further highlighted and confirmed by the Minister as well in today’s media conference.

By Annette Kora, EMTV News, Port Moresby

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