Health Minister Michael Malabag has criticisedthe Jiwaka Provincial Government for diverting two-million kina from health grants inthe Provincial Support Improverment Program to fund education programs.
He is appealing to provincial governments to invest health grants into health programs.
He said health is just as important as education and must be given equal attention, especially with damning health reports traced back tothe provinces and districts on how resources are distributed and managed.
He said with respect tothe Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Governments, he is appealing to provinces to leavethe six percent health grants alone inthe Provincial Support Improverment Program, and District Service Improverment Program for funding of health infrastructure and maintenance inthe provinces and districts.
However, he is grateful to neighbouring provinces of Enga, Western Highlands, Simbu and Eastern Highlands that have invested health grants in maintainingtheir health infrastructure.
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