
Ipatas actions Talk

Wapenamanda Airstrip inthe Enga Province will now be fenced.

The provincial Government allocated five million kina and a futher half a million for the Wabag town sewerage project.

Enga Governor Peter Ipatas madethe payments for National Airports anPNG Water in Port Moresby on Tuesday.

The Wapenamanda Airstrip has been without fencing since it resumed services inthe province last year.

Governor Ipatas made a counterpart funding of K5 million tothe National Airports Corporation to put up fencing aroundthe airstrip.

Depending onthe procurement process, work should start around May. It will cost about K8 million to fencethe 4.2 kilometre aroundthe entire airport.

The National Airports Corporation was impressed with Governor Ipatas’s mover to not only give lip service but action it.

The ther needthe provincial government’sees for the province is a sewage system for the growing Wabag Township.

Ipatas presented a cheque of K100, 000 tothe Management of WaterPNG to carry out feasibility study and design ofthe sewage system. A balance of K400, 000 is yet to be paid.

WaterPNG has already done preliminary estimates for the sewage system in 2011. The full project is estimated for K10million.

Alice Thomas, National EMTV News

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