
David Arore Declared Winner For Ijivitari By-Election

By Mickey Kavera – EM TV News, Port Moresby

People’s National Congress Party candidate, David Arore, has been declared the member for Ijivitari yesterday.

After exclusion 19 for candidate Richard Masere with a total of 6,111 votes being distributed amongst the two last candidates, ousted member David Arore collected 549 votes bringing his total to 9,787.

And the petitioner John Warisan collected 923 votes bringing his total to 8389 votes.

However, this was not enough to beat David Arore who won the by-election exceeding the absolute majority 9,089.

Returning officer for the Ijivitari election, Daisy Hombogani, declared Arore the winner at 6pm yesterday, witnessed by the member for Sohe, Delilah Gore.

He was declared the winner among 21 candidates who had contested the by-elections.

Arore and Warisan have been rivals since the 2007 elections and on various occasion the Ijivitari seat has been disputed in courts.

However, David Arore has proven once again to have the confidence of the people of Ijivitari.

He is expected to be sworn in by the Governor General at Government House in Konedobu some time next week.

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