
Culture vs Animal Rights

by Allanah Leahy – EM TV Online

While RSPCA enjoyed a dog show recently in Port Moresby, animal rights have been in an uproar amidst a controversial yearly festival held in a small city in China.

Animal rights organisation Humane Society International launched a petition and fund recently, against the controversial Yulin Dog Meat Festival, where up to ten thousand dogs are slaughtered in highly cruel conditions.

Previous petitions failed to reach the attention of the Obama administration, which requires a minimum of 100,000 signatures for consideration.

The #stopyulin2015 hash tag is circulating social media, and four million signatures were gathered in an online petition for China’s agriculture minister and the Guangxi governor.

The dogs are kept in poor conditions before being burned, electrocuted or skinned alive, and eaten by local residents, who consider the meat nutritious for winter consumption.

Comedian and animal rights activist Ricky Gervais announced his support for ‘his friends’ at Humane Society International, urging everyone to help their ‘tireless’ efforts.

Efforts from Chinese nationals have been immense, with locals from other provinces driving long distances to Yulin to buy dogs and save them from slaughter, although they did not prevent the festival from continuing.

Locals have taken a logical stance on the animal rights issue, arguing that eating dog meat is no different to the consumption of pigs or chickens.

Just last month, 1.9 million animals were slaughtered in barbaric means in the United Kingdom, including electrocution and beating, before throat-slitting.

The figures shine a light on the hypocrisy involved in pushing for animal rights despite ignoring the current, cruel practises animals endure before ending up on our plates.

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