By Mickey Kavera – EM TV, Popondetta
CIMC has been providing an avenue for dialogue on national issues through its forums.
The objective is to allow for transparency to prevail and to empower the people with vital information to hold their leaders accountable.
This is the final leg of the regional development forum organised by the Consultative Implementation and Monitoring Council.
Discussions centred around various topics of national interests such as the government’s policy on Responsible Sustainable Development Strategy.
The government, through the department of national planning, wants to ensure that the policy is implemented.
Efforts are in place to create awareness on this policy so that it resonates with the people throughout the country.
The policy falls in line with the theme of the CIMC development forum; which is, successful implementation of development plans and responsible sustainable development strategy.
CIMC Executive Director, Wallis Yakam, highlights the importance of ensuring dialogue on such important policies are encouraged.
Acting Provincial Administrator Oro, John Pai says, Oro is the process of aligning its developments with the RSDS.