It was revealed that women were least likely to approach banking houses for loans due to lack of confidence, high interest rates of banks and rigorous identification procedures.
This came from Janet Kaule ofthe National Development Bank as Rural entrepreneurial women opened accounts today.
Almost one hundred women gthered atthe Jack Pidik park in Port Moresby.
The National Development Bank and its counterpartthe ‘Peoples Micro Bank’ delivered an awareness drive to a group of female entrepreneurs in Port Moresby on Friday.
Relationship Manager for National Development Bank, Janet Kaule, referred tothe studies showing five main factors why women did not approach banking houses for their business needs.
Leadingthe hundred fold women is Manus businesswoman – Mary Pohei.
She trainedthe mostly illiterate rural entrepeneurs in basic business skills, encouragingthem ofthe ‘culture of saving’ – saying now isthe time for women to mover forward.
Amongstthe women’s tood Mien Ningakun, sharing her story of succession. She shared key factors of her succession which include years of saving and a strong marital partnership.
Beththe National Development Bank andthe Peoples Micro Bank have branches nationwide – with female officers on hand to deliver service and information tPNG women in small scale businesses.
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