In his first televised address to the country, Prime Minister James Marape made big promises to Papua New Guinea’s long enduring business community. He stated that he and his government are looking to put in place incentives for businesses.
The business community has been encouraged by the governments renewed interest in economic stimulation and incentives based tax regimes.
Douveri Henao of the Business Council of PNG remarked that a lot of work needs to be done but it takes political will to get the task done.
Also on this episode, we speak to the organizers of the upcoming Investment week. A first for the country, commencing on the 17th of June and concluding on the 21st, the week will begin with the 35th Australia PNG Business Forum and Trade Expo, followed by the 2nd speaker’s investment summit Papua New Guinea, European Union Business Conference and closing of the week the 15th UN ESCAP Asia Pacific Business Forum held in the Pacific for the first time.