The draft National Capital District Beai Control Bell is out for the public to scrutinise.
It gives an outline ofthe powers ofthe governor, howthe ban will be administered, andthe jurisdiction for allthe offences under this shall bethe village court.
Also included is a miscellaneous section.
The section allows for a person to apply tothe commission for a permit to lawfully transport buai (betel nut) within NCD aboverthe allowed limits but not exceeding a maximum of 50 kilo grams.
Purposes allowed for the granting ofthe permit include;
Beide price ceremonies,Dealth related ceremonies or haus krai,Cultural shows or gtherings, andSocial gtherings as approverd bythe superintendent or his delegate.When a permit is granted, it will be valid for the date it was granted andthe permit holder must carrythe original permit atthe time of transportingthe buai stated inthe permit.An application fee of K50 is included.The legislation and penalties are will be imposed next month.
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