
BSP’s ongoing talent development for staff career progression

BSP Group CEO Robin Fleming when presenting their certificates in Port Moresby on Friday 21st May 2021, said this is the second largest group to graduate from PNGIBBM with Diplomas, “the largest was in 2015 when a total of 27 staff from various business units and branches around PNG, graduated with Bachelors, Diplomas and Certificate IV in Frontline Management.”

“We value the career development and progression of our people hence, we are always happy to support them in further advancing their qualification whilst being employed with the Bank. Most who have undergone similar programs in the past have progressed from junior frontline roles to middle management and even senior management level as well as occupying key technical and specialized roles within the Bank.

“Moreover, 14 staff are currently studying fulltime and part time for similar Bachelor, Diploma and certificate programs at the PNGIBBM and we are proud to be an employer that constantly invests in and empowers our people to excel in their professional and personal endeavours,” Mr Fleming added.

Molong Bole from Waigani Drive Branch was among a group of six that graduated in Port Moresby last week with Diploma in Business with Banking Electives from Torrens University (Australia).

Molong and Stanley Bole with their children at PNG IBBM after the graduation ceremony

“As a banking officer, this achievement has enhanced my knowledge in banking and finance, to give my best and perform to my full potential. This great learning opportunity has further enriched my knowledge in fostering customer relationships on a daily basis, a critical aspect of my current role.”

Molong, who commenced with BSP 10 years ago with a Grade 12 Certificate, now has a Diploma qualification. “This sponsored training by BSP with the Torrens University, Australia, was the first of its kind for me. The opportunity enabled me to work towards achieving an advanced qualification, which is a milestone achievement for my family, my employer and myself.”

Coincidently, Molong’s husband, Stanley Bole, Port Moresby Branch Manager, was also among the group. He graduated with High Distinction in the Diploma of Banking & Finance program with 11 others so it was a proud “family affair” when both received their certificates from Mr Fleming in the presence of their children.

“All in all, education doesn’t end when one has a steady job, it is more convenient and fitting that one gets to advance their knowledge by pursuing further studies that is relevant towards one’s line of work,” Molong added.

Presley Katpi is another staff who undertook Diploma in Banking & Finance, graduating with Distinction.

Presley share a light moment with his daughter, after attaining his Diploma in Diploma in Banking & Finance Certificate.

“For me I want to grow professionally within the Bank. They say knowledge is power, when I have a better understanding then I can be able to perform better at my job and or do other tasks assigned to me.”

“This is another milestone achievement to myself, my family, my community and my tribe as a whole. My family is very supportive and always there to push me and motivate me to go to that next level.  I am grateful to my loving wife for being supportive and encouraging whenever I am in doubt. She always believes in me – wanting me to succeed.  In conclusion, for everything we do, God takes centre spot,” Presley who has been with BSP for 11 years added. 

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