Health International Life News

Drug Policy Body Calls For a Better Access Strategy for Pain Relief

by Marie Kauna – EMTV Online, Port Moresby

According to the Global Commission on Drug Policy, an international body advocating on global drug policy changes, an estimated 5.5 billion people, or three quarters of the planet, have poor to non-existent access to opioids for pain relief.

While the 92 per cent of morphine supply is been consumed by 17 per cent of the global population, strong opioids and opiates are practically unavailable in more than 150 countries.

Amongst other contributing factors as to why morphine, plus other pain relief drugs are unavailable in these countries, the Global Commission on Drug Policy has identified that lack of access to these controlled medicines, is something that instigates public health and human rights crisis, thus affecting many.

Despite the danger it can pose on users, especially those who become addicted to using morphine medication, it is important for people to have access as it helps to relieve the pain condition they are in. 

While governments and responsible organisations focus more on the misuse and prohibition of controlled medicines, less focus and attention is diverted to public health and its challenges. 

The Global Commission on Drug Policy now calls for a better access strategy, to make morphine plus other pain reliefs available in the developing nations so people can have access and use them.

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