Highlands News

Porgera Police Operations

by Bridgette Komatep – EM TV, Port Moresby

Police in Porgera with assistance from the Joint Security Forces involved in the Call Out Operations have arrested a police reservist for inciting a riot and assaulting hospital staff recently.

According to reports from the Provincial Police Commander George Kakas, the incident occurred at the Paiam Police barracks when the suspect’s dog attacked two boys. The boys then threw a stick at the dog but hit the policeman’s daughter. Following, the boys were physically assaulted, and rushed to Paiam Hospital.

The relatives of the boys retaliated and the aftermath led to a furious chain reaction.

With the support from the Joint Special Forces from the Call Out Operations in the Porgera valley, several arrests have been made in the area. In an interview with Provincial Police Commander, George Kakas, he said so far there’s been progress to maintain peace in the area.

Since the Paiam Hospital incident, PPC Kakas says police have arrested a suspect, who is a police reservist. As firearms were used against the Joint Forces, police raided and burnt down traditional bush material houses in search of the firearms.

The suspect has been detained by police, while another two suspects, a policeman and his wife, are evading police arrests. Police in Enga are appealing for the suspects to surrender while police conduct proper investigations.


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