
Middle Ramu Roads Development

by Mickey Kavera – EM TV News, Port Moresby

For the people of Middle Ramu District life has been a struggle for the past 40 years.

They had to endure difficult times, traversing the Ramu river to access basic government services which is lacking at the district headquarters in Aiom Station.

Not all, but most of the government services such as health and education remain dormant.

But with the new roads, the people are starting to access these services at the provincial capital with ease.

The Madang Simbai road was declared a National Highway in 1984.

However, progress on its development has taken too long, until just recently.

This missing link is poised to become an economic corridor for the Middle Ramu District.

Middle Ramu MP and Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Tommy Tomscoll, told the people to be appreciative of the services being offered.

He says once the road is complete, all public servants will be told to return to the district headquarters at Aiom to work.

So far contractors have been working on the 30 km Anaritz to Andiku roads, and the 12 km Pasingkap road.

The roads are funded by the District Support Improvement Program or DSIP funds

Tomscoll says there are plans to overhaul services in the district, but they are still waiting for the government to release its outstanding DSIP funds.

Four new trucks were also presented to the people to assist them with their economic activities.

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