Road maintenance and Media Education Equipment are major beneficiaries of twenty point six million kina (K20.6 million) Japanese Aid.
The aid will be jointly managed bythe JapaneseInternational Cooperation Agency – JICA andthe Department of National Planning and Monitoring.
Japan’s continued support in Papua New Guinearsquo;s development aspirations was futher strenthened during a project signing in Port Moresby yesterday. The gesture will see Papua New Guineabenefit from K20.6 mllion Japanese Aid to be utilized on specific projects.
Ofthe total, K19 million will be for the Improverment of Road Maintenance Equipmentothis project is expected to facilitate more stable transport in targeted provinces.
The remaining K1.6 million aims to improverthe quality of classroom teaching by upgradingthe media education equipment.
Japan’s Ambassador to Papua New GuineaHiroharu Iwasaki saidthe government of Japan is delighted to contribute tothe infrastructure and Education sector targeted by Papua New Guinea vision 2050.
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration Rimbink Pato saidthe government recognizes and appreciatesthe growing presence of Japan in Papua New Guinea
The Department of Works, Education Department andthe Department of National Planning and Monitoring will be responsible for the projects with close consultation with JICA.
Mickey Kavera, National EMTV News