The Social Mapping forIntergratedLand:roups at Hides has hit a snag.
The Social Mapping and Clan Study are important processes, one that has a deadline for overall planning and benefit distribution.
Mr Gane said those conductingthe social mapping shouldn’t rush as it may affectthem when it comes to royalty payment and ther benefits fromthPNG LNG Project.
Another prominent leader who shared similar sentiments wasthe former Southern Highlands Premier Albert Mokai. He said Hela People’s customary land system is complicated;thereforethey wantthe study to be conducted afterthe LLG Elections in June.
Meanwhile,the first gas fromthPNG LNG Project is predicted to be produced in 2014, hence,the Department of Petroleum and Energy says it has been tasked to complete all landowner identification beforethe Day
However,the Department of Petroleum & Energy’s Coordination Beanch responsible for Social Mapping and Clan Vetting saythe process will continue.
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