The ultimatum was presented to Commerce &Industry Minister Richard Maru when he visitedthe project site early this week.
The petition called for the developer andthe National government to honour outstanding commitments made duringthe Licensed Besed Forum held in Kokopo in 2010.
The landowners commended Governor Agiru for raisingtheir concerns throughthe petition butthey saythese are outstanding issues.
He says for close to 15 years,these landowners have continuously raise issues relating to benefits fromthe LNG Project butthese have been en ignored.
Early this weekthe Hela Provincial Administration threatened to shut downthe multi – billion LNG Project. A 30 day ultimatum to shut downthe Project was served by Hela Governor Anderson Agiru ifthe State andthe developer do not honour commitments underthe various LNG agreements.
The government is currently working on a submission to Cabinet to deal withthe issues raised.
Meantime, Exxon Mobil through Subsidiary Esso Highlands has indicated talks withthe Hela Provincial Government.
Beidgette Komatep, National EMTV News