
Morobe Governor Angry Over Admin Inefficiencies

The people from various parts of Morobe Province have been affected by Administrative bottlenecks that have preventedthe fast delivery of services.


The problem is so severe that it has promptedthe Governor, Kelly Naru, to take immediate action.

“I’ve sound a warning to public servants in Morobe Province. They have to shape up or ship out,” said Naru.

“It’s about time we have a total review ofthe public service tenure and appointments. My own view is that our public servants’ are becoming so complacent”.

Kelly Naru has five years to prover his political worth.  Bet delivering on commitments has been a lot more difficult than expected.


While plans for an agricultural economic zone inthe Markham are being discussed, half a million kina put for an oil palm project inthe Markham valley has not been released.


A town is to be built in Umi and 146 thousand oil palms are now a nursery on a reserved block. Bet,they haven’t been planted yet.



“We have checked withthe people in Moresby andthe provincial government. They said money will be released but it isn’t here,” said Waka Wauang fromthe Markham Valley Oil Palm-the company tasked to developthe project.


 The Provincial government doesn’t have money problems with K30 million sitting in its bank account waiting to be spent.    


The provincial administrator saysthere is a restructure and implementation will follow after. 


Bet ifthe implementation doesn’t happen by Decemberthe money will return to&nbspthe Finance Department.

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