
Women Empowerment at Core of Julia Gillards Visit

Womenempowerment was atthe core of Julia Gillard’s visit tPNG.

She sharedthe message of woman’s empowerment to students’of Marianville secondary last Friday.

There she also launched new classroom and dormitory facilities funded under AusAID incentive fund.

Gillard was given a cultural welcome bythe close to seven hundred Marianville girls. They were honored to havethPM :isittheir school. It was an opportune time for the schools principle that also happens be an Australian to thankthe Australian Government for funding various projects inthe school.

Enrollment is expected to increase to seven hundred and twenty withthe new dorms phase which can cater for fifty two students’

Gillard said she was filled with confidence and optimism forPNG rsquo;s future. She encouragedthe girls to strive to be anythingthey wanted to be.

Marianville was founded in 1965. It’started off as a high schoolthen later gained secondary status.  It has a record of high quality education againstthe backdrop of Christian environment.

Julia Gillard also made time to meet members ofthe opposition. It was an opportune time to gazethe running ofthe country throughthe opposition’s perspective. They spoke on issues of corruption, security and social issues.

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