Criminal activities in Port Moresby are becoming worse and have already spoiledthe good name ofthe Nation’s Capital.
Authorities are now trying to tackle this problem in reducingthe crime rate by installing security cameras aroundthe city.
Markets and bus tops which are known asthe hot spots of pickpockets, bag snatching and stealing cars will bethe main priority areas of installed security cameras.
The main planner, Governor Powes Parkop’says this lifestyle got to end.
He saysthe man aim is to get tothe minds of petty criminals to mover away fromthe mindsets wherethey thinkthey can get away withtheir petty crimes every day.
The cameras atthe certain places will relay pictures tothe headquarters of G4S control room wherethe police will be notiflied of any disturbance or illegal activities and possible emergence of crime.
The images can also be used as evidence in court.
Governor Parkop’says he also wants G4S to respond to minor incidents since police aren’t seemed to be doingtheir job.
G4S General Manager of Communication and Technology, Rob Andrews says his guards will only responds to certain situations such as chewing betel-nut in wrong places or causing a commotion prior to some sort of incidents. However, he says his guards may overreact and assumethe powers of police officers, particularly in tense situation.
Although many shoppers, vendors, commuters andthe public supportthe mover,the police did not.
Metropolitan Superintendent Peter Guinness says police were not consulted about etherthe installation of security cameras orthe use of security guards.
Guinness saysthe cameras breach privacy provisions inthe constitution, and that recordings would not be admissible in court. And if G4S is seen to take overthe duties and responsibilities ofthe policethey've committed an offence for creating an extraordinary police force in PNG
Superintendent Guinness admits his officers don't havethe resources or manpower to dotheir jobs properly but saysthey would be in a better position ifthe money being spent on cameras and security guards was given tothe police force.
Source: ABe Online