
PM :Visits Manus: K18.5 million for Infrastructure Development

The Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has presented K18.5 million kina for infrastructure development tothe people of Manus province during his visit last week.

The money answers a request bythe Manus provincial government to develop tourism and fisheries capacity.

Mr O’Neill visited Manus asthe first of visits he plans to make to every province this year.

The Prime Minister and several government delegates were welcomed tothe beat ofthe Manus garamut upon arrival last Friday at Momote Airport.

The welcomethen led to a traditional initiation.

Mr O’Neill was led away to be elevated as a Lapan, a traditional Manus chief. He was later decorated inthe Lapan Assembly atthe Provincial government headquarters.

Then atthe ceremony atthe Lombrum Naval base Mr O’Neill saidthe only way for the country to advance, is to invest in provinces and districts.

And public servants must take ownership of development to achieve maximum service delivery.

“We must deliver. Seven million people of Papua New Guineadepend on us. Who else is going to do it for you? We can’t keep on askingthe Australia’s; we can’t keep on asking ther commonwealth countries. We have to do it for ourselves; we havethe resources; we havethe manpower; and we havethe intelligence”, said Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.

The Prime Ministerthen presented a cheque of K18.5 million to Manus Governor, Charlie Benjamin.

Mr Benjamin receivedthe cheque with thanks and said in tok pisin “Ol pipol blo Manus, moni blo yumi ya gavman blo yumi givim pinis. Dispela moni bai stap lo han blo provinsal gavman na ba u lukim kaikai blo em.” (People of Manus, here is our money given by our government. This money will be inthe hands ofthe provincial government to carry out its purpose)

Road infrastructure will getthe largest slice ofthe funding of K10 million kina. Lorengau Market and provincial headquarters maintenance will get a million kina each, while schools and provincial ships will get K3 million each. 

Mr O’Neill also gave a K5 million cheque to maintain Provincial Fishing Vessels.

– Salome Vincent

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