
Contract Signed For New UPNG Dinning Facility

China Railway Construction Group, the contractor to build a new dining facility for athletes at the University of PNG, signed the project contract today.

This initiative is fully funded by the government and K1.1 billion, has been allocated, to making this new facility, a success for the 2015 Pacific Games.


Today’s contract signing took place at the Government house with representatives from Government departments, sports, and the contract company.


The signing of the documents was to allow for the contract to build a new dining facility for the 2015 Pacific Games recipients.


Company in charge of the contract, CRCG, has been in the country for quite some time, and has contributed to building in the country.


The Sports Ministry is certain that the company is capable of building a world-class facility, and is confident it will be finished in time.


This facility will cater for then 300 plus athletes, and then after games, the facilities will be handed over to the University of PNG.


One topic raised during the interview with the Vice Chairperson Mel Donalds, was how the preparations are going in terms of sports venues, and facilities that our athletes are using to train.


She said this is just one of the issues that needs addressing but she is confident that the facilities will be delivered on time for the 2015 Pacific Games.


She said right now, some of the schools in the national capital, has been selected so that our athletes can use them for their training in preparation for the Pacific games.


These schools will be maintained so that in futures, they too can be used by athletes from all sporting codes.


She also said, we need to participate and work together as a community, and people of Papua New Guinea, and focus on our young sporting talents in the community


Together with the new dining facility, plus all sporting venues, the sports ministry is significantly confident that all these facilities will be delivered in time, before the biggest event PNG is yet to witness, arrives at our door steps.

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