Health Life Momase News

Angau Hospital Facing Blood Shortages


by Colleen Barilae – EM TV News, Lae

Lae’s Angau Hospital continues to experience shortages in its blood bank supplies.

In a day, the donations are limited to less than 10 volunteers, but for the most part donations remain at zero. 

The blood bank unit at Angau Hospital aims to involve more business houses and students to complete its search in collecting more supplies.

It receives blood donations from volunteers but the supply is not frequent.

The shortage follows on from a rise in blood transfusions taking place at the hospital.

Sister-in-charge at Angau Hospital, Mary Hungito, revealed the blood bank constantly faces a shortage of blood supplies, sometimes, leaving the hospital with no blood supply at all.

In a day, the blood bank records up to 10 volunteers that come in to donate.

At its peak period in the middle of each year, up to 50 volunteers, mostly students, donate blood daily to the hospital. But it is still not enough to cater for all the patients’ needs at the hospital.

Angau today received a new bus for its blood bank unit to help in carrying out more blood donor transfusions around the province.

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