

By Francisca Anania

The Christian Brethren Church officially opened their second church with a building in the Southern Region at Morata 1 in the Nation’s capital yesterday .

CBC at Morata is now recognized by the Church’s headquarter in Hela Province as the 2nd church branch; with 4 others still as mini congregations in NCD.

The Church has branched out into the Southern region having 3 churches in Central Province and 6 in NCD; where two of them are now officially recognized as a church branch including CBC Morata.

CBC Morata celebrated its opening with dignified guests such as NCD Governor Powes Parkop, General Manager for Christian Books Melanesia Inc. Carol Luttah, CBC Pioneer Missionary Les Loader, and other CBC Board members.

Governor Parkop officially opened the new building alongside the church Board yesterday. ( Saturday 23rd December ) The new building can sit 500 to 700 people, and the church members were happy and excited to have a proper place to worship together finally.

With its primary role of preaching the gospel, education and health, the church is also starting a “Christian Values Early Childhood Development Program” to help the Morata community next year.

CBC PNG General Secretary Barrywan Tuai said “the church must engage in spiritual health and education so we can take ownership in our children’s learning. ” Governor Parkop pledged to donate K30, 000 to assist this initiative following CBC Southern Region’s Office donation of another K30, 000 to start the school.

“I am happy that the church board has taken good initiative to build this building without my help because it shows that you have all grown and can do great things on your own”.

And since the CBC Southern Region Office has pledge K30, 000 to start the Christian Values Early Childhood Development Program next year, I will also put in K30, 000 to assist with the program since we are looking into doing away with Elementary learning and rather taking on the early childhood learning soon. So I am happy that the board has approved to start this program here.”

CBC aims to continue to reach out to the whole of PNG by the Grace of God.

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