Breaking News Education Highlands Life News News Bulletin


A new classroom for Muaina Secondary School in Sinesine Yongomugl district was opened yesterday by Simbu Deputy Administrator field service Mr Chris Mondo.

The commissioning coincides with the 13th grade 12 graduation ceremony.

The new classroom was funded by the Simbu provincial government through its Provincial Support Improvement Program (PSIP) in 2019 at a cost of K60,000.

Deputy Administrator field service Chris Mondo urged the surrounding communities’ teachers and students to look after such infrastructure development which is a facelift for the school.

He said our country is facing economic tough times and Muaina secondary school is fortunate to secure funding to have such building which will be beneficial to the current students and into the future.

The number of students is also growing rapidly every year and such new classroom is timely that will alleviate the school’s biggest challenge.

He also urged locals and surrounding communities to respect the teachers, students and the institution.

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