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PNG AIC Releases Preliminary Report into Plane Crash at Papa Lealea

The PNG Accident Investigation Commission has completed findings into the accident involving the Cessna 402 aircraft that attempted to transport cocaine into Australia

The crash occurred on 26th July. Based on the pilot’s statement, when he approached the unauthorized landing strip, the outboard section of the left-wing was clipped by a tree and separated from the aircraft but he managed to land safely at 12:20.

The preliminary report into the illegal flight, suggests that the twin-engine aircraft crashed after its airspeed indicator failed to work and the plane was unable to reach a positive rate of climb.

This forced the 52-year-old Australian Pilot to abort take-off and the aircraft touched down 850 metres into the field, colliding with trees during its landing roll at 12:40.

PNG AIC Chief Commissioner Hubert Namani says the report is based on investigations gathered at the initial stage of the investigation.

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