
208 Contractors Want Answers Before Close of Accounts

Frustrated contractors engaged to carry out building and maintenance works in schools around NCD wantthe Education Department to explain tothem wheretheir funds are beforethe close of accounts tomorrow.

Most ofthe disgruntled contractors camped outsidethe Education Secretary, Dr. Philip Tapo’s home, yesterday demanding an answer.


They saidthey will be atthe Fincorp building tomorrow andthe days to come untilthey receivetheir outstanding payments.    


About 208 contractors were engaged in schools inthe National Capital District to carry out building and maintenance works beforethe start ofthe 2014 school year.


Nowthese projects worth K170 million have come to a halt followingthe announcement bythe department thatthey only had K10 million left to paythese contractors fromthe 200 million kina earmarked for these projects.


The contractors want to know wherethe rest ofthe money is and ifthese monies will be paid tothem beforethe close of government accounts tomorrow.


They are concerned thatthere’ll be overcrowding and staff housing problems next year as most ofthe workthey’re doing is incomplete and awaiting funds.


They saidthey will camp atthe Fincorp House starting tomorrow until a favourable response is received fromthe department.


Chairman of Gerehu Secondary School, Joe Kambian, called onthe department to implementthe government‘s free and compulsory education policy well and not to play games with it.


They protested quietly at Dr Tapo’s residence yesterday for an explanation but were unsuccessful.


Members ofthe police force were also called in to assistthem relaytheir grievances tothe concerned people.

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