News Sport

2016 Governors 7s Cup Attracts Many

By Dion Kombeng – EM TV Sport, Port Moresby

With the code of rugby seven still relatively new to Papua New Guinea, and yet to gain popularity like other rugby codes, the 2016 Governor’s Cup sevens competition has attracted teams from throughout the country.

Competing teams include three from the Aroma Coast, Warumana Wanderers, Keakalo Malagana and Baike Brothers. As well as the most notable teams Black Orchids and Kimbe Rebels

For the teams from Aroma, they came into the competition for their players to have a feel of a higher level of competition from what they are used to.

The competition has been an eye opener for some of the village based players and they are enjoying the challenge competing against more experienced sides.

With the Turagus taking out the cup, Baike Brothers defeated Black Orhids 17-12 to claim the Plate, Madgauns (Madang) defeated Valley Hunters 19-7 for the Bowl and Nova slammed Brothers in the shield challenge.

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